Mr Joseph Noel Sykes

Barrister Status:
Mar 2001
Gray's Inn
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Decision date
Breach details:
Paragraph 301 (a) (i) and 307 (f) of the Code of Conduct
Offence details:

Joseph Sykes, being a barrister, on or about the 15th day of January 2002, in a letter written by himself to Philip Glah & Co., firm of solicitors, engaged in conduct discreditable to a barrister by suggesting to Philip Glah "Perhaps you should return to Ghana".

Joseph Sykes, being a barrister, on or about the 29th day of January 2002, engaged in conduct discreditable to a barrister by calling Philip Glah, a solicitor of the Supreme Court, "You Nigger".

Joseph Sykes, being a barrister in private practice, between the 17th day of April and the 30th

day of June 2001, having been instructed by Messrs Philip Glah & Co., to act as Counsel for the applicant in the case of Haro-Gavilan-v-Boker Aeroclean, handled or received client money, namely a settlement cheque in the sum of ? 13,000.

Joseph Sykes, being a barrister in private practice, between the 20th day of December and the 31st day of December 2002, having been instructed by Messrs Philip Glah & Co., to act as Counsel for the applicant in the case of Louise Perry v Oceanweb Limited, handled or received client money, namely a settlement cheque in the sum of ?7,250.
